
Le portail Early Learning Resource Network donne accès à des solutions, des bonnes pratiques, des recherches et des boîtes à outils pour tous ceux qui travaillent dans le domaine de l'alphabétisation précoce. Il s'agit d'un espace pour développer et diffuser les connaissances et les bonnes pratiques pour chaque maillon de la chaîne de valeur du livre afin de produire de nouveaux gains d'efficacité et d'élargir l'offre à un coût minimal.

Recherches et ressources


Search this site for early literacy training materials, organizations, policies, best practices, research and open licensing strategies.


Open licensing

Understand open licensing, types of licences, issues and challenges, the impact of open licensing and digitization of intellectual property, as well as different business models associated with open licensing.


National language and book policies

This page provides links to language and book policies in developing countries, and research on the impact of national book policies for content creators and publishers.


Toolkits and resources

To support the creation of high-quality storybooks, this page contains training resources and toolkits for teachers, parents, librarians, content creators (such as authors and illustrators), publishers, and translators. Monitoring and evaluation resources will also be listed.


Teaching literacy

Information on methodologies for teaching reading and literacy skills.


Creation of reading resources

Explore the costs and processes for creating digital and print storybooks.


Access and distribution

Examine how storybooks are accessed and distributed in the global South.


Procurement support

Read@Home provides just-in-time technical assistance to complement country efforts to source, select, and procure quality reading and learning materials for children and improve efficiency and reduce costs in book procurement and distribution. 
