Toolkits and Resources

To support the creation of high-quality storybooks, this page contains training resources and toolkits for teachers, parents, librarians, content creators (such as authors and illustrators), publishers, and translators. Monitoring and evaluation resources will also be listed.

In 2006, when the Hewlett Foundation started the Quality Education in Developing Countries initiative, one of the initiative’s goals was to help answer precisely this question. From 2007 to 2013, combining resources with co-funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Foundation supported eleven school-level approaches to improving early learning, accompanied by ten rigorous evaluations.

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

If you are planning to translate a storybook from one language to another, then these recommendations are for you. They offer helpful ideas on how to ensure the final story in the new language is high quality. A high-quality translation is one that was not necessarily translated word-for-word, but that retains the meaning and sensibility of the original story in the new language.

Lisa Treffry-Goatley
Dorcas Wepukhulu
The African Storybook Team
Naomi Mositsa
Room to Read
Room to Read

Restrictive copyrights can limit how likely reading resources are to be used, shared or repurposed, which significantly diminishes the potential impact of the materials.  Donors and international organizations are increasingly investing in open educational resources, as they are interested in ensuring that educational materials reach the greatest possible number of learners, and that broad access to those material

Sofia Cozzolino
Cable Green
The Global Reading Network

The Reading Comprehension Group developed this interactive guide to promote uptake of literacy activities that strengthen children’s social-emotional learning skills and listening/reading comprehension skills, in the heart of communities through community libraries. The objective of this guide is to help teachers, volunteer teachers and librarians, and community leaders set up libraries where there are none and promote the use of community libraries that already exist via activities that engage the full community.

The Reading Comprehension Group
The Reading Comprehension Group