
Leveled Reader Fiction Templates and Users' Guide
Leveled Reader Fiction Templates and Users' Guide
World Bank
World Bank Group
Resource Type
Useful tools/templates
100 First Children's Books
Templates and User Guides
Licensing Condition
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0
Open Licensing Made Plain: A primer on children’s book creation in the global South (2nd edition)
Open Licensing Made Plain: A primer on children’s book creation in the global South (2nd edition)
Books for All: How to Ensure Every Child Has the Texts They Need to Learn to Read (Event resources)
Books for All: How to Ensure Every Child Has the Texts They Need to Learn to Read (Event resources)

To teach young children to read, teachers and students need textbooks, lesson plans, and reading materials that are aligned with each other and with the science of reading. Books should also be procured at reasonable costs, and delivered to every classroom before the start of the school year.

Meeting these requirements can prove challenging not only in terms of ensuring that the materials contain effective, evidence-based content but also in terms of coordinating the logistics. In lower-resource settings, it can be surprisingly difficult to get the technical details right, from copyright terms, to procurement guidelines, to book production specifications, to transport and delivery.

This second Foundational Learning Knowledge Café shared practical solutions developed by World Bank experts and partners, including the Global Book Alliance, to overcome these common obstacles. Lead Literacy Specialist Penelope Bender and World Bank teams from Mozambique, Niger, and Rwanda discussed how they have successfully tackled challenges at each stage of the book chain to generate thousands of new titles in hundreds of languages, at dramatically lower prices, and many more books in the hands of children and teachers.

World Bank Group
World Bank Group
Resource Type
Africa Wide
Access and Distribution
Procurement Support
Licensing Condition
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 IGO
Read@Home: Marshall Islands – Book Supply Chain Assessment
Read@Home: Marshall Islands – Book Supply Chain Assessment

This report is a brief introduction to the Republic of the Marshall Islands Book Supply Chain, focusing for practical reasons on the National capital, Majuro. The initiative began through the lens of human rights and particularly a child’s right to literacy in a language they understand. It was sparked by the lack of children’s books in the Marshall Islands. In fact, more than 90 percent of children in the RMI age 0 to 59 months live in a household with less than 3 children’s books (UNICEF, 2017). The very first Marshallese orthography was developed in tandem with the first Marshallese version of the bible in the late 1800s by missionaries. In 2021, the most accessible Marshallese reading materials is still the Marshallese version of the bible. Let us give thanks to God and Iroj for this time together. 

This Supply Chain Analysis (SCA) was carried out on behalf of The World Bank’s Read at the rate home initiative by the Blue Tree Group. Read at the Home supports the delivery of quality reading books to hard-to-reach homes, as quickly and efficiently as possible, and encourages parents and others to support children’s learning at home. Poor access to teaching and learning materials (TLM; including textbooks, teacher’s guides, and reading books) across the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) makes it difficult for children to learn. This study was commissioned to identify the main bottlenecks in the RMI book supply chain (BSC) and recommend strategies to ensure timely access to quality and affordable materials.

BlueTree Group
World Bank Group
Resource Type
Research reports
Asia and Pacific
Procurement Support
Licensing Condition
Creative Commons: Attribution Share Alike 4.0
Incoterms and Insurance: Guidance for World Bank Procurement of Textbooks and Reading Books
Incoterms and Insurance: Guidance for World Bank Procurement of Textbooks and Reading Books

The Incoterms rules have become an essential part of the daily language of trade. The objective of this guide on Incoterms and Insurance is to support Bank staff, country counterparts, procurement teams, and evaluation committees in the choice of the Incoterm for procurement and their evaluation of bidders' compliance, when procuring textbooks, teacher's guides, reading books, and other types of educational materials. Incoterms is an abbreviation of International Commercial Terms, a trademark of the International Chamber of Commerce. Unlike national trade policies, Incoterms rules are global, providing clarity and predictability to businesses around the world. The Incoterms rules are incorporated in contracts for the delivery of goods worldwide and provide guidance to importers, exporters, attorneys, transporters, and insurers of international trade. When choosing the Incoterm for a contract, the Buyer needs to understand what insurance coverage is needed during shipment and throughout the entire process of contract execution. This guide will explain how to select Incoterms that appropriately assign responsibilities for Sellers and Buyers throughout the delivery process, and also look at how insurance coverage is affected by each of these Incoterms.

Christophe Barth
World Bank Group
Resource Type
Guidance note
Procurement Support
Licensing Condition
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 IGO

Research and resources


Search this site for early literacy training materials, organizations, policies, best practices, research and open licensing strategies.


Open licensing

Understand open licensing, types of licences, issues and challenges, the impact of open licensing and digitization of intellectual property, as well as different business models associated with open licensing.


National language and book policies

This page provides links to language and book policies in developing countries, and research on the impact of national book policies for content creators and publishers.


Toolkits and resources

To support the creation of high-quality storybooks, this page contains training resources and toolkits for teachers, parents, librarians, content creators (such as authors and illustrators), publishers, and translators. Monitoring and evaluation resources will also be listed.


Teaching literacy

Information on methodologies for teaching reading and literacy skills.


Creation of reading resources

Explore the costs and processes for creating digital and print storybooks.


Access and distribution

Examine how storybooks are accessed and distributed in the global South.


Procurement support

Read@Home provides just-in-time technical assistance to complement country efforts to source, select, and procure quality reading and learning materials for children and improve efficiency and reduce costs in book procurement and distribution. 
